Ryan White Services

The Georgia Ryan White Program provides medical services directly or indirectly associated with HIV/AIDS and related illnesses. Medical services provided vary by clinic, and may include the following:

Includes medical care by a physician, physician's assistant, clinical nurse specialist, nurse practitioner or other health care professional who is able to prescribe Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy in an outpatient setting

Includes diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic oral health services

Includes psychological and psychiatric treatment and counseling services for individuals with a diagnosed mental illness

Includes the provision of food, nutritional services and nutritional supplements due to a physician's recommendation and a nutritional plan developed by a licensed, registered dietician

Includes the provision of treatment adherence counseling to ensure readiness for, and adherence to, complex HIV/AIDS treatments

Includes provision of medical or other treatment and/or counseling to address substance abuse problems

Individuals with certain private insurance with medication benefits are eligible for insurance assistance under the Health Insurance Continuation Program (HICP). Assistance is available for premium payments and medication copayments if all other eligibility criteria are met.

Assistance with premiums and medication co-payments is also available to those with Medicare Part D.

The Georgia Ryan White Program provides several support services that may help you access care more easily. Support services provided vary by clinic, and may include the following:

Includes the provision of advice and assistance in obtaining medical, social, community, legal, financial, and other needed services

Includes the provision of short-term payments to agencies or the establishment of voucher programs to assist with emergency expenses related to essential utilities, housing, food (including groceries, food vouchers, and food stamps), and medication, when other resources are not available

Includes the provision of actual food or meals, hygiene items and household cleaning supplies

Includes the provision of services that educate clients living with HIV about HIV transmission and how to reduce the risk of HIV transmission

Includes the provision of short-term assistance to support emergency, temporary, or transitional housing to enable an individual or family to gain or maintain medical care

Includes the provision interpretation and translation services, both oral and written

Includes transportation for eligible Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients to core medical services and support service

Includes the provision of support and counseling activities, child abuse and neglect counseling, HIV support groups, pastoral care, caregiver support, and bereavement counseling

Includes the provision of counseling or special programs to ensure readiness for, and adherence to, complex HIV/AIDS treatments

The Georgia AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), which is part of the Ryan White Program, provides access to HIV/AIDS medications to eligible individuals. If you are eligible and do not have any other coverage for HIV/AIDS medications (such as insurance or Medicare Part D), the program provides the medications free of cost at participating pharmacies.

Learn more about the services offered in your area at your local Ryan White Clinic.

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